Ticket Code
It is the page that provides the management of the verification codes used with the "Ticket Code Verification Method" on the ticket code captive portal screen.
Ticket codes consist of short codes that can be restricted with a certain number and duration, either manually or randomly generated.
Operations related to the Ticket Code are displayed in the management panel; It can be accessed from the Menu > User Management > Ticket Code page.
Generating Ticket Code
After entering the Ticket Code page, the "+" button in the upper left corner should be clicked.
The code can be created by filling in the information on the form page that opens.
- Ticket Code: Code to be generated to verify.
- Status: Indicates the usage status of the code.
- Usage Limit: It is the usage limit of the code. It will be reduced when used for each login.
- Expiration Date: It is the expiration date of the code.
Generate Bulk Ticket Codes
After entering the Ticket Code page, click on the "Generate Bulk Ticket Codes" button in the upper left corner.
Then, the code can be created by filling in the information on the opened form page.
- Count: How many tickets will be created automatically can be selected.
- Complexity: It is the complexity of the auto-generated code.
- Status: Indicates the usage status of the code.
- Usage Limit: It is the usage limit of the code. It will be reduced when used for each login.
- Expiration Date: It is the expiration date of the code.
Editing and Removing Ticket Code
The "Edit" and "Delete" buttons at the far right of the code can be used to edit and delete the previously created ticket code in the list.